Kangaroo mice do not need to drink water. You just get water from the seeds you eat. To survive in the dry climate of the western United States, its kidneys produce ultra-concentrated urine, which does not panting or sweating. Some species can even reduce their metabolic rate, resulting in less water lost by breathing. 16 minutes. 2017 г.
How can kangaroo mice survive without water?
Their diet consists primarily of dried seeds, but kangaroo mice require little water. Instead, they survive almost completely in the water metabolized from the eaten seeds. Kangaroo mice can extract 0.5 grams of water for every gram of seed consumed.
How long can a kangaroo rat live without water?
Kangaroo mice can survive for almost a lifetime, or 10 years, much longer, without water. 28 сент. 2018
Can rats survive without water?
Rats can go longer without water than camels. One particular species of Old World rat is actually known as a water rat because it often lives near water sources to meet hydration needs. Kangaroo rats and camels are all desert species and have evolved effective means of coping with dry conditions.
Below you will find two helpful answers on a similar topic. 👇
How much water do kangaroo rats drink?How did the kangaroo rat die?