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How can I check my cat's blood pressure?

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The veterinary team measures blood pressure in cats in a similar way to measuring blood pressure in humans. Inflate the cat's front legs, hind legs, and tail with cuffs around it. Veterinarians use either Doppler or an oscillometric sphygmomanometer to get measurements. 20окт. 2021

How can I tell if my cat has high blood pressure?

Symptoms of hypertension in cats include: 1 behavioral changes. 2 seizures. 3 directional sensory loss. 4 blindness. 5 weakness. 6 heart murmur. 7 epistaxis. Is your cat's blood pressure high or low? --Medivet

Can I use a human sphygmomanometer for cats?

You may have seen an automatic blood pressure tester for humans, but you may be wondering why you don't use an automatic blood pressure tester for cats. The answer is that they do! These are called oscillometric blood pressure measuring devices and use electronic sensors that digitally display pressure.

What is the normal blood pressure of a cat?

Normal systolic blood pressure in dogs and cats ranges from 120 to 130 mmHg. Many of our patients are very worried in the hospital environment, so systolic tolerances of up to 160 mmHg are often used (“white coat effect”). Like humans, pets can suffer from high blood pressure and systemic high blood pressure.

How can I check my cat's blood pressure?

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