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How do ants communicate with each other?

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Scientists have known for decades that ants use a variety of small chemicals called pheromones in their communications. Perhaps the most classic example is the pheromone locus that insects place as they walk. The people behind them follow this path, with long lines of ants marching one after another.

What are the three ways ants can communicate?

Ants solve communication barriers in several ways: scent (pheromone) touch. Body language. sound. How to communicate with ants-AntKeepers-Facts about ants, breeding ants, and.

Do ants speak?

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Ants not only communicate via pheromones, sounds, and touch, but also talk to each other by exchanging liquids from mouth to mouth in a process called trophalaxis. .. However, the difference between ants is that only ants (and certain bee species) use trophalaxis for communication and food exchange. 2016

How do ants communicate with other ants about where their food is?

Fragrance. Ants are very sociable creatures. .. Ants place pheromones from their nests where they have food, contact other ants, and chase the leader. If the trail is thick with pheromones, it is a popular food route and will attract more ants. 16 сент. 2020

How do ants communicate with their children?

Most of their communication is through the chemical scent pheromone (FEHR-uh-moanz). Ants "place" the scent from the glands of the body, telling them which colony they belong to, their role in the colony, the location of food sources, and so on.

How do ants communicate with each other?

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