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How do demosponges support other organisms?

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Class Demosponge contains about 4,750 species in 10 orders. the sponge has a bad taste and is hard to be eaten by other animals.

How beneficial are sponges to other organisms?

Sponges have a wide range of relationships with other organisms, including promoting primary production, providing habitat for other organisms, and even protecting organisms from predation.

Why is demosponge important?

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The most economically important group of demo sponges for humans is the bath sponge. These are harvested by divers and can also be cultivated commercially. They are bleached and sold. Spongin gives the spongin its softness and absorbency. Not all sponges are well preserved, but there are fossil records.

How do sponges interact with other organisms?

Sponge forms a symbiotic relationship with various microorganisms including bacteria and algae. Symbiotic relationships between organisms are close ecological relationships between the two species and can be mutually beneficial or benefit one partner at the expense of the other.

How do sponges provide habitat to other organisms?

Sponge is an important carbon sink in the deep sea. The sponge can filter over 90% of bacteria and organic matter from seawater and rapidly sequester carbon. .. These sponges have been found to provide an important habitat for many small animals, including squat lobsters and fish.

How do demosponges support other organisms?

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