Gradually introduce new fruits and vegetables to avoid diarrhea. If the guinea pig has loose stools, reduce the amount of fresh ingredients for a few days and then reintroduce it in small increments.
Is it okay to change the guinea pig food?
Species such as guinea pigs and rabbits have a very delicate digestive system that relies on a consistent diet. .. Immediate changes to the guinea pig's diet, immediate rabbit's diet, and many treats at once can disrupt this ecosystem and lead to gastrointestinal upset.
Why do guinea pigs not eat food?
& gt;Why don't you eat guinea pigs? There are many reasons why guinea pigs stop eating. The reason can be serious health problems such as gastrointestinal stasis, respiratory infections, and extreme stress. .. Other causes include temperature fluctuations and changes in eating habits.
Can guinea pigs survive on dry matter?
There are no specific rules about how long guinea pigs can spend without food, but in general they should not be left hungry for more than 12 hours. Leaving hungry for long periods of time can interfere with gastrointestinal function and cause liver and intestinal problems.
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