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How do shrimp survive in water?

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The gills, which are protected by a hard outer shell, can draw oxygen from the surrounding water. Its feet, eyes, and snouts also grow from its hard shell. To protect themselves from predators, shrimp have a sharp beak or nose called a snout that extends from the head of the body.

Why can shrimp survive in the water?

Freshwater shrimp In addition, freshwater species are most abundant in inland waters, which are shallower than the deep sea. Freshwater shrimp are more resistant to toxins and pollutants, so they can live in the water rather than being slightly contaminated. 2019

How do shrimp survive in their habitat?

Shrimp live in rivers, seas and lakes. They are benthic organisms, which means they are found on mud and sand riverbeds and seabeds. Some of the smaller variants live in sponges. Others like mantis shrimp dig holes in sand, mud, coral crevices and rocks along the coast. 2019

Can shrimp live in freshwater?

Freshwater shrimp are shrimp that live in freshwater. This includes: All freshwater Caridea (shrimp), especially Atyidae. A species of the genus Macrobrachium.

What are the indications for shrimp?

Shrimp are environmentally friendly and have large fixed eyes that can sense dim light and sensory structures to detect chemicals. The structure of the semi-ellipsoid in the brain is also complex and can play a role in location memory (photographer: Machon et al., CC BY4.0).

How do shrimp survive in water?

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