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How do snails move their feet?

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Snails use their one long, muscular paw to crawl a layer of mucus, such as secreted mucus. these waves of muscle contraction and relaxation travel from the tail to the head along the central part of the foot. The waves move much faster than the snail itself, producing enough force to push the snail forward. The 6th. 2011 г.

How do snails move short answers?

Snails glide. It is their muscular legs that enable this movement. Muscles contract at regular intervals to help with movement. Snails also secrete mucus, which keeps your body dry and smooth on the ground.

How does the movement of snails work?

Snails propel themselves by deforming the underlying layer of mucus through the contraction of the muscles of the foot muscles. This unique form of movement allows snails to pass through almost any obstacle, including the ability to climb steep hills.

How do snails move?

Snails commonly found on land or soil. Snails have wavy movements with muscle contractions. It also secretes a sticky substance called mucus, reducing the grip between the snail and the ground, allowing it to move more easily.

How do snails move their feet?

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