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How do sponges live in the ocean?

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All sponges are sessile aquatic animals. That is, it sticks to the surface of the water and stays in place (that is, does not move). There are also freshwater species, most of which are marine (saltwater) species that live to depths of more than 8,800 m (5.5 miles) from the intertidal zone.

How do sponges survive?

Sponges live at all depths under different conditions, both in marine and freshwater environments. They are "insignificant" animals (not moving around), pumping large amounts of water into their bodies and filtering small organisms and organic particles for food. 18мая 2006г.

How do sponges grow in the sea?

Sponge "Simple Facts" The sponge is regenerated by the buddy, sperm are caught by a nearby sponge, and the egg is fertilized internally. The resulting small larvae are released and settle on the seabed, where they grow and grow into sponges.

Do sponges mainly live in the sea?

Sponges are very simple creatures without tissue. All corals need salt water to survive. Most sponges are found in the ocean, but many species are also found in freshwater and estuaries. 2021

How do sponges live in the ocean?

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