Like humans, most red shrimp are "right-handed" depending on the position of the pincher claw. If the large crusher claw is lost, the lobster can turn into a southpaw while the right claw regenerates.
Why do red shrimp swim backwards?
The red shrimp does not have a central nervous system like mammals, but instead resembles grasshoppers and ants. When the red shrimp are alert or escape predation, they use their tails to quickly swim backwards.
Are both red shrimp claws the same?
Each lobster has two different claws, a large crusher claw and a small pincher claw. Crusher claws have raised edges that resemble molars and are used to crush hard foods such as clams and crabs. Pincher claws, or ripper claws, are used to tear soft prey such as worms and fish.
What are the red dots on the red shrimp?
What is the red one? It is a female egg, an unfertilized egg. Red shrimp eggs were once considered a delicacy like caviar. Eggs are bright red and are also called "coral".
Which claw of the red shrimp is big?
The crusher claw is the larger claw and is used to crush the prey. Pincher claws are used to bite into prey. Red shrimp can be right-handed or left-handed, depending on which side the crusher or pincher claws are on!
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