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How does a kangaroo rat keep cool?

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They are well adapted to desert life. Kangaroo mice do not sweat, which saves water. To keep them cool, they stay in their burrows during the day and come out at night. Kangaroo mice have a pouch on their cheeks to return food to their burrows.

How do kangaroo mice survive the heat?

The kangaroo rat is one of many animals that escapes the heat of the desert by diving underground. They burrow and spend up to 23 hours each day in a cool place.

How do kangaroo mice survive in the desert?

Kangaroo mice are masters of desert survival. .. Their diet consists primarily of dried seeds, but kangaroo mice require little water. Instead, they survive almost completely in the water metabolized from the eaten seeds. Kangaroo mice can extract 0.5 grams of water for every gram of seed consumed.

How do kangaroo mice get air?

If the outside temperature is too high, the kangaroo rat will stay in a cool, damp burrow and leave only at night. To reduce the loss of water from breathing while sleeping, kangaroo mice bury their noses in their fur and accumulate small pockets of moist air.

Do kangaroo mice use water to regulate their temperature?

Therefore, the correct answer is option (C). Note: Kangaroo mice live in burrows all night and do not use water to regulate body temperature, so they produce highly concentrated urine to save water by metabolic oxidation of seed cards. Can meet water requirements.

How does a kangaroo rat keep cool?

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