How does a rabbit hear?

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Rabbit ears are big – this helps them hear better. The ear sends sound waves into the ear canal, the middle and inside of the ear, and converts these vibrations into signals to the rabbit's brain. This is the same as a human, except that the shape of the ear is different.

Can you hear the bunny?

Rabbits have good hearing and can pick up sound waves in the ultrasonic range. Rabbits can detect noise up to 49,000 Hz, which is far beyond what humans can hear. July 2021

Can rabbits hear you?

Rabbits cannot understand human language, but they can be trained to understand what we say through gestures and verbal cues. Rabbits use clues to understand words. .. These can also be unconscious clues such as body language and voice tone.

How do rabbit ears work?

Rabbit ears perform two important functions. .. Rabbit ears contain an extensive network of blood vessels that provide a large surface area for heat exchange. These blood vessels are almost invisible in the cold season because they swell (vasodilate) when the rabbit is hot and contract (vasoconstriction) when it is cool.

What is the hearing range of rabbits?

Species Approximate Range (Hz) Rabbit 360-42,000rat200-76,000mouse1,000-91,000gerbil100-60,000

How does a rabbit hear?

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