Severe vision loss or blindness can mean that part of a child's development and learning is slower than other children. For example, you may find that your child is slow to turn over, crawl, walk, talk, and learn to interact with others. 3 days. 2021
How does visual impairment affect a child's development?
They lack visual references and reduce the integration of information from their parents. Recent studies have shown that the language of visually impaired children is more self-directed and that the meaning of words is more restricted than in children with normal vision (Anderson et al 1984).
How does blindness affect learning?
The presence of visual impairment can affect normal learning sequences in social, motor, linguistic and cognitive development areas. Poor eyesight often reduces the willingness to explore the environment, initiate social interactions, and manipulate objects.
What are the developmental characteristics of visually impaired students?
At school, children may do the following: You can't see objects in the distance, like whiteboards and blackboards. I have a problem reading (or learning to read) and am attending a class. You may not be able to focus or chase things, squinting and rubbing your eyes, or causing chronic eye redness or hypersensitivity to light.
What are the effects of blindness?
Blind people suffer from rejection, anger, inferiority complex, anxiety, depression, and similar psychological problems because of their inability or low self-esteem compared to healthy people. There is a possibility.
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