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How does temperature affect plant growth and development?

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As the temperature rises (up to a certain point), photosynthesis, transpiration, and respiration increase. When combined with photoperiod, temperature also affects growth from nutrients (leaves) to reproduction (flowering).

How does climate affect plant growth and development?

Climate change affects many variables that determine how well a plant can grow. .. At the same time, extreme temperatures, reduced water availability and changing soil conditions actually make plant reproduction more difficult. Overall, climate change is expected to impede plant growth.

How do temperature and air affect plant growth?

Plants function like cold-blooded animals in that their metabolism and photosynthetic rates increase with temperature. When the temperature is very cold (depending on the plant variety), photosynthesis rarely occurs, regardless of the amount of light.

How does low temperature affect plant growth?

Cold freezes plant cells, causing damage and blocking the flow of nutrients and water. In small branches and twigs, living xylem is much more susceptible to cold than cambium and phloem.

Does temperature affect plant growth experiments?

Germination increases at high temperatures – to a certain point. When the seeds reach the optimum plant-dependent temperature, germination begins to decline. The seeds of some plants, including cool seasonal vegetables such as lettuce and broccoli, germinate best at temperatures between 55 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit. 2021

How does temperature affect plant growth and development?

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