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How fast can a cheetah run 100?

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Cheetah Sarah broke the world record with a standing 100-meter dash, setting a time of 5.95 seconds. This makes Usain Bolt's 9.58-second world record for the Olympics clearly appear to be chunky in comparison. 2авг. 2012г.

Can a cheetah run 100 meters?

The cheetah was able to run a 100m sprint in about 6 seconds, with Usain Bolt's world record at 9:58 seconds.

Can a cheetah run at 100 mph?

The cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) is the fastest terrestrial animal on the planet and can reach speeds of 75 mph (120 km / h). Cheetahs are predators who sneak up on their prey and run short distances to chase and attack. 2019

How fast can humans run 100?

In 2009, Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt set a world record in 9.58 seconds in a 100-meter sprint.

How fast can a cheetah run at full speed?

80 – 130 kilometers / чГепард / Скорость

How fast can a cheetah run 100?

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