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How long can a cat go without food or water?

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The average cat can technically survive for a week or two without food, with water supply. However, without protein, it can take 3-4 days even with sufficient water. With no water or food, cats are unlikely to survive for more than three days.

How long can a cat go without eating or drinking?

Like humans, cats can go longer without food than water. Cats can survive for about two weeks without eating, but only for three days without drinking. However, the longer a cat does not get proper nutrition, the weaker it becomes. Therefore, it is important to contact your veterinarian if you suspect you have not eaten for more than a day. 2019

How long does it take a cat to die without water?

The average cat can survive 3-4 days without water. The longer they go without water, the more dehydrated they become, which can lead to serious health complications and ultimately death. However, in some cases, cats are known to survive for more than a week without water.

Can cats go for 12 hours without water?

How long can a cat live without water? I think it's only two days. However, certain illnesses can cause your cat to dehydrate faster.

What happens if a cat doesn't eat for 24 hours?

If your cat is not eating at all, do not leave it for more than 24 hours before going to the vet. However, if you have other symptoms such as vomiting, urinary problems, or increased respiratory rate, you should see your veterinarian as soon as possible as it may be an emergency.

How long can a cat go without food or water?

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