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How long can mice go without food?

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Mice are much more dependent on food than water. They can only go for 2-4 days without some food. Keep in mind that this does not mean that they need to sit in a full festival. 11th. 2019г.

How long can a mouse live on a wall without food?

One of them is this: Mice can only live for 2-4 days without consuming at least some food. Mice can only live for a few days without food. Mice usually get most of the water (water) from the food they eat. 28 сент. 2021

Will the mouse move if there is no food?

Does the mouse disappear naturally? no. If you don't get rid of their food sources and protect your property from rodents, they will continue to come back. Mice are social creatures of a large family.

How long can a mouse be trapped in a wall and live?

Stuck, dehydrated and die, but often die at old age (rarely live for more than 6 months!) Or as a result of homeowners poisoning walls and attics. Die as a pest control company.

How long can mice go without food?

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