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How long do captive garden snails live?

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Snails raised in captivity are known to live for 10 to 15 years or more. Some have been recorded as 25 years old. This seems like an unusually long time, so something may be said to lead a slow life. The lifespan of a snail depends not only on its species but also on its surroundings.

How long are the Himeringo Maimai Mai bred?

– Most snails live between the ages of 2 and 5, but some are over 10 and 15 in captivity.

How long do garden snails live as pets?

Native snails can live up to 15 years. The nice thing about garden snails is that if for some reason you can't take care of them anymore, you can bring them back to the wild. 2021

How big are the snails in the garden?

They have a soft brownish body and are covered with slimy mucus and a brown spiral striped yellow or cream-colored shell. This type of shell is approximately 0-9-1.3 inches high and 0.9-1.5 inches wide, with lips appearing at its edges as the individual grows older.

How long is the lifespan? A common snail?

How long do snails live? Most snails live for a couple of years (in the case of terrestrial snails), but larger snail seeds can survive up to 10 years in the wild! However, in captivity, snails have a maximum life span of 25 years, which is the burgundy snail.

How long do captive garden snails live?

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