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How long do foxes live with their mothers?

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How long will they stay? A. The fox family has been under the hut for months in places where the Cubs are likely to have been born. They have been with Vixen (mother) for another 3-4 months before being dispersed to search for their territory. June 6, 2017

How long is your baby fox with your mom?

There is only one fox family per year, and Vixen usually gives birth to 4-5 pups in March. The mother stays with them in the burrow for about 3 weeks and then continues to feed them milk until they are about 2 months old.

Are mom and dad foxes together?

Foxes are usually monogamous. This means that they have only one lifelong companion. They also take on nannies to help their puppies. The nanny is a female fox that is not a breeder.

How long have the fox family been together?

Foxes live in family groups and may contain additional non-breeding vixen to aid in cubs breeding. Family groups are often together until the Cubs leave in the fall.

How long do foxes live with their mothers?

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