Hedgehog category details-Algerian hedgehogs-Brant's hedgehogs-Desert hedgehogs-Four-toed hedgehogs-Long-eared hedgehogs-Manchurian hedgehogs-Southern Africa
How long do Southern White-breasted hedgehogs live?
After 4-7 weeks, the piglets are raised on their own. According to the San Diego Zoo, it matures fully in 9-11 months and lives in the wild for 3-8 years, or in captivity for up to 10 years. 16 июн. 2015
What is the biggest hedgehog?
European hedgehogs are 9-14 inches long and weigh about 5 pounds when fully grown, the largest of all hedgehog breeds. They are mostly brown and have a furry face and belly. We also eat animals such as snails, beetles and slugs.
How long is the life of a hedgehog?
Free-range European hedgehogs generally live 3-4 years, with a reported maximum lifespan of 8 years. In captivity, hedgehogs can live up to 10 years. The average adult hedgehog weighs in the range 700-1400g.10апр. 2015
Which country has the most hedgehogs?
Hedgehog Wild Habitat in Africa Most of the hedgehogs live in the eastern and central parts of Africa due to the terrain characterized by the grasslands, forests and sometimes rocky features that the hedgehogs camouflage. ..
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