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How long does it take for a tiger to give birth?

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The tiger is a kind of carnivorous mammal of the family Felidae, which is one of the five representatives of the genus Panthera belonging to the subfamily of big cats. The word "tiger" comes from ancient Greek. τίγρις, which in turn returns to Old Pers. * Tigri from the roots Wikipedia

How many months does it take for a tiger to give birth?

Pregnancy. The gestation period of a tiger is about three and a half months. Pregnant females are difficult to identify because they do not begin to show bulge until the last 10-12 days of pregnancy.

How many babies do tigers give birth to at one time?

Tigers are known to live in the wild until the age of 26. Female tigers, on average, give birth to 2-4 pups at a time and can give birth every two years.

How long does a tiger cub give birth to a mother?

A wild tiger cub stays with her mother until she is about two years old. Wild female tigers usually only give birth to a litter every two to three years. Tiger pups are removed from their mother's milk about 6 months after birth.

Which animal gives birth the most painful?

Probably the most terrifying birth is the birth of a spotted hyena. Females of this species give birth from a narrow, penile-like enlarged clitoris.

How long does it take for a tiger to give birth?

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