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How long does it take for fish fry to develop?

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Guppy fry are easy to raise, but they take about 3 months to mature, which sounds like a daunting task. Maintaining them is not difficult, but you need to make sure you provide good nutrition and condition so that they can grow well. There are some tips you can use to help them prosper.

How fast does a fried fish grow?

During the first 5 weeks, all goldfish fry have the same physical properties, so all varieties up to that age have the same growth rate. After 5 weeks, deep-body varieties begin to take the form of adult fish, which slows their growth rate compared to slim-body varieties such as comet.

How can I grow my baby's fish faster?

If you do these two things correctly, the fish will grow quickly. 1 Place the fish in a larger aquarium. 2 Let the fish get used to the new home. 3 Make sure the temperature is correct. 4 Monitor the water quality. 5 Change the water regularly. 6 Make sure the tank is always clean. 7 Please provide high quality food. 7 ways to grow fish faster (using ethical methods)

How long does it take for fish fry to develop?

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