There are three main body parts: head, chest, and abdomen. They have a pair of antennas attached to their heads. They have three pairs of legs used to walk. They have two pairs of wings. The 13th. 2017 г.
Do bees have arms and legs?
The chest has 6 legs and 2 pairs of wings. Chest muscles allow bees to control the movement of their wings during flight.
How many arms do bees have?
Bees have two sets of wings (four wings) attached to the chest. The front wing is much larger than the rear wing.
Do bees have eight legs?
Bees are insects, and like all other insects, bees have six legs. 2021
Do bees have legs?
Bee legs have two purposes. The tip of the foot has claws that allow bees to stand on rough surfaces such as bark and clothing without falling.
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