Some terrestrial species of snails, like the grape snails in the photo, have only one pair of tentacles, which means they have only one eye. The snail's mouth has what is called the radula. It's like a file with a line of about 25,000 small teeth. The 10th. 2010г.
How many eyes did the snail have?
Looking at the snail from above, two to four tentacles stick out from the front of the head. If the two longest have eyes on the edges and have some sense of smell, and the two short downwards, use these for the sense of smell and tasting.
Do slugs have four eyes?
There are four slugs and they are retractable. The two are for viewing and sniffing and can be operated independently. Slugs can look (or sniff) you and your friends at the same time. The other two are for touching and tasting.
Can you see snails?
The eyes of snails in the garden cannot focus or see colors, but you can almost see other snails passing by and approaching predators. Snails can identify different light intensities, which helps them move towards dark places.
Do you have snail eyes?
The snail is looking at the tip of the tentacle. For pulmonary [pulmonary respiratory organs] with two pairs of tentacles, the eyes are at the tip of the top pair. The snail's eyesight is very poor.
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