10 2010 г. -Snail terrestrial species, such as the grape snail in the photo, have only one pair of tentacles, which means they have only one eye.
How many eyes does a snail have?
Looking at the snail from above, two to four tentacles stick out from the front of the head. If the two longest have eyes on the edges and have some sense of smell, and the two short downwards, use these for the sense of smell and tasting.
How many eyes does a slug have?
Slugs (and snails) have eyes, two of which sit on two tentacles (called eye stalks) above their heads! They don't see colors or shapes like we do, but they can still make light and dark colors. The eyes are well developed, but there is no complicated way to focus.
What happens if I cut off the snail's eyes?
Amputation causes major changes in the cellular properties of the entire eye stalk. In particular, invagination of the integumental epithelium at the apex of the stalk stump creates shallow crevices or "eye cups". Differentiation of all components of the eye is clearly caused by transdetermination of these epithelia.
How many eyes do water snails have?
Aquatic snails have two tentacles, terrestrial snails have four tentacles, and their eyes are on the tip (terrestrial snail) or bottom (aquatic snail). Snails rely on the senses of smell, touch, and chemosensory organs to navigate the world. What is their role in life?
Below you will find two helpful answers on a similar topic. 👇
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