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How many hearts does an octopus have in its body?

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The three octopus minds have slightly different roles. One heart circulates blood around the body, and the other two hearts push it across the gills and take up oxygen.

Does the octopus have 10 hearts?

The octopus's three hearts and blue copper-rich blood seal the deal, as if the wonders of these tentacles weren't yet foreign enough. The octopus has three hearts. One pumps blood around the body. The other two pump blood to the gills.

Why do octopuses have nine brains?

The octopus has three hearts. This is because the two hearts pump blood to the gills, and the larger heart circulates the blood to the rest of the body. The octopus has nine brains. This is because, in addition to the central brain, each of the eight arms has a mini-brain that can move independently.

Do all octopuses have three hearts?

The octopus has three hearts, which is the result of having partial blue blood. Their two peripheral hearts pump blood through the gills, where they take up oxygen. The central heart then circulates oxygenated blood to the rest of the body, supplying energy to organs and muscles.

Can an octopus live with only one heart?

If you lose one and the main heart, the octopus can pump blood and oxygen to one heart, but not the rest of the body. An octopus will die if it loses two hearts and cannot live on one heart alone.

How many hearts does an octopus have in its body?

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