Contain two hedgehogs together. We recommend that you always keep your pet hedgehog alone, but you may also accept a companion (usually a female that is kept with you). 26 June. 2021
Do hedgehogs live in groups?
A group of hedgehogs is called an "array". However, hedgehogs are rarely mentioned because they are usually lonely creatures that gather only to mate.
Do hedgehogs like to live in pairs?
Do hedgehogs like to live in pairs? Hedgehogs are lonely creatures in nature, making it difficult to live in pairs. In the wild, they live alone and only the lonely nature of mating is interrupted. This is a very short time and then returns to a lonely life. 21окт. 2019
Are hedgehogs spinning in groups?
No, hedgehogs do not live in groups. They are lonely creatures who prefer to be alone. They nest alone and hibernate. Mothers live with Hoglet in groups until they are ready to leave the house in about 6-8 weeks.
Do hedgehogs sleep in the same place?
During daytime and hibernation, hedgehogs sleep in specially built nests, under thick undergrowth, under huts, piles of leaves, or on fireless bonfires. You never sleep or hibernate outside the nest.
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