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How many noses does a slug house?

Animal Expert
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Slugs have four noses! They also have two small tentacles that are used as taste buds and tentacles under the eye stalk. Four days. 2021

How many noses do slugs have?

Twitter NatGeoKIDS: "Slugs have 3,000 teeth and four noses. Crawl these #WeirdButTrueWednesday facts.

Slugs have one nose. Do you have?

There are four slugs, retractable. Two are for seeing and sniffing and can be operated independently. Slugs look at you and your friends at the same time (or). You can sniff). The other two are for touching and tasting.

Do all slugs have four noses?

Slugs have four , Retractable. Two are for seeing and sniffing and can be operated independently. Slugs can stare (or sniff) you and your friends at the same time. The other two are touch and taste.

How long is the slug's nose?

The slug's head has four noses and one or two pairs of tentacles. The longer pair is Contain the eyes at the tip (or at the base of the slug's tentacles in the sea). Another short pair is used for olfactory and olfactory sensations.

How many noses does a slug house?

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