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How many river dolphins are there in captivity?

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As of 2015, there were only four river dolphins in captivity.

How many dolphins are there in the river?

Currently, there are only five extant species of dolphins remaining in the world, all of which are endangered or endangered.

How many dolphins are left in the world?

At least 44 species of dolphins are divided into marine and river families and are found in waters around the world. .. How many dolphins are left in the world? Dolphin Species Ganges River Number of Dolphins 2,500-3,000 Status Endangered Species Freshwater River in India

How many Amazon river dolphins are there?

Population Number Therefore, in the Amazon basin, 107 individuals in the Solimoens River (Brazil), 346 individuals in the Amazon River adjacent to Peru and Colombia, about 260 individuals in the Mamilaua Lake system in Brazil, Mamilaua Sustainable There are 13.000 individuals in the development reserve.

How many dolphins are left on the Indus River in 2020?

The number of Indus river dolphins is increasing with the help of the community. Pakistan currently has an estimated 1,816 Indus river dolphins, according to a new WWF survey. This is 50% more than the 1,200 dolphins estimated after the first census in 2001, when the species appears to be endangered.

How many river dolphins are there in captivity?

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