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How many species of cetaceans are there?

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Cetacea is a scientific term for a group of marine mammals, including whales, dolphins, and porpoises. According to the World Cetacean Database (2016), there are more than 90 species of cetaceans inhabiting the world's oceans, lakes and rivers. Cetaceans have bodies that are adapted to spend their entire lives in the water. 12th. 2020г. Cetaceans are infraorders consisting of 94 species of whales, dolphins and porpoises. It is divided into baleen whales (Odontoceti) and baleen whales (Mysticeti), and diverged from 26 million years ago to 17 million years ago (mya) in the Eocene. Cetaceans are from the polar regions to the equator. They are concentrated in areas of increased biological productivity, such as food-rich upwelling. Some species are coastal, some are pelagic and even offshore. There are 4 whale species and 18 whale subspecies or subspecies, currently endangered on the IUCN Red List. It is classified as. The Baiji dolphin (Lipotes vexillifer) is classified as an endangered species and may already be functionally extinct.

What kind of whales are cetaceans?

Updated April 27, 2017. The order Cetacea is a group of marine mammals including whales such as whales, dolphins and harbor porpoises. There are 86 species of cetaceans, which can be divided into two suborders. Mysticetes (baleen whale, 14 species) and Odontosetes (baleen whale, 72 species).

Where are the cetaceans in the world?

Cetaceans are found all over the world, from the tropics to the Arctic Ocean. Some species, such as bottlenose dolphins, may be found in coastal areas (eg, the southeastern United States), while other species, sperm whales, can extend far offshore to thousands of feet deep. there is. Many cetaceans have been thinned by whaling.

How many species of cetaceans are currently endangered?

World Whale Category Species Subspecies / Population Situation Total of Endangered Species 41822 Vulnerable Species 111122 Vulnerable Species 71916 Near Threatened Species 100 103 More Lines

Whales How many babies are there in the class?

Cetaceans reproduce sexually, and females usually give birth to one calf at a time. Most cetaceans have a gestation period of about one year.

How many types of whales are there?

There are about 90 species of whales, dolphins, and porpoises, which are collectively called "cetaceans". From giant blue whales to small vaquitas and Hector dolphins, our species guide has information and amazing facts about many of these incredible creatures.

What are the three main types of whales?

Cetaceans are divided into three major groups or suborders, one of which is extinct. Whale).

How many whales are left?

At least 44 species of dolphins are divided into marine and river families and are found in waters around the world. .. The number of dolphins left in the world. Dolphin Seeds FalseKiller WhaleNumber60,000StatusNear ThreatenedLocationWaters Worldwide

How many species of cetaceans are there?

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