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How many species of moles are there in the world?

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Mole (Moleaceae), one of 42 species of insectivore, most of which are suitable for aggressive digging and most of life underground.

How many moles are there in the world?

Mole has three basic types or groups: regular and symmetrical, irregular, and cancerous.

Who has the largest mole in the world?

The giant golden mole (Chrysospalax trevelyani) is a small mammal found in Africa. With a length of 23 cm (9.1 inches), it is the largest of the golden mole species. .. Giant golden mole species: C. trevelyaniBinomial nameChrysospalax trevelyani (Günther, 1875)

Are moles extinct?

Some golden mole species native to southern Africa are believed to be endangered by the IUCN. One species, the Golden Mole (Cryptochloris wintoni), has been described as an endangered species and has not been seen for more than 50 years, so it is probably extinct.

What did the golden mole evolve from?

The first moles evolved from shrews-like animals adapted to dig in the late Eocene of Europe. The most primitive living moles are believed to be moles like shrews, while other species have adapted further underground and, in some cases, to the aquatic lifestyle.

How many species of moles are there in the world?

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