The sponge, named purely for its appearance, comes from the phylum Sponge. There are over 11,000 listed species and over 9000 living species. About 150 of these live in freshwater and the rest in sea or brackish water. May 18, 2020
How many types of sponges live in freshwater?
Living freshwater sponges belong to 45 genera of 6 families, for a total of 219 species.
Do sponges live in both marine and freshwater environments?
Sponges live at all depths under different conditions, both in marine and freshwater environments.
Which sponge is contained in ocean water?
Euplectella-The genus Euplectella is composed of sponge. These sponges are also known as glass sponges because of the presence of siliceous spicules. The genus Venus'flower basket contains Venus' flower basket. They can be found in seawater or deep in the ocean.
Are most sponges freshwater or marine?
Most of the sponges are oceans and inhabit the oceans. However, there is one family of freshwater sponges (Spongeidae). Most marine species can be found in marine habitats ranging from the intertidal zone to depths of over 8,800 m (5.5 miles).
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