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How many types of river dolphins are there in South Asia?

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There are two closely related river dolphins in South Asia. Locally known as the Indus river dolphin, Bran, and the Ganges dolphin or soot. 21st. 1999г.

What are the dolphins in the five rivers?

Here we will look at river dolphins around the world, the challenges they face, and what WWF is doing to keep them up for the long term. Amazon river dolphin. Inia Amazon river dolphin. .. Bolivian river dolphin. Inia Bolivia Kawai. .. Tukshi. .. Ganges river dolphin. .. Indus river dolphin. .. Irrawaddy dolphin. .. Janze Finless Harbor Porpoise Freshwater Dolphin Species and Facts

How many types of river dolphins are there in South Asia?

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