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How much space does an ocelot need to live?

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The range is typically 2.4-56 square miles (4-90 square kilometers) for men and 0.62-46.6 square miles (1-75 square kilometers) for females. Men's territory often overlaps with some women's territory. April. 2016 г.

How much space does Ocelot need?

These little cats need a lot of space. Male ocelots usually have an area of ​​about 25 square miles, while female areas are about 9 square miles. To warn them to stay away from other ocelots, they mark their territory in a variety of ways, including spraying urine and leaving feces.

How difficult is it to own an Ocelot?

Ocelot was famously kept as a pet by Salvador Dali. However, they are currently rare in pet trading and are very difficult to obtain (if still possible). Ocelot is also more difficult to maintain as a pet compared to other wild cats.

What does Ocelot need to survive?

Habitat and Diet Ocelot prefers to live in densely vegetated areas such as dense Chaparral and rainforests. During the day, they sleep hiding in bushes, tree branches, or hollow trees.

How much does Ocelot cost?

Most medium-sized cats such as servals and caracals cost between $ 1700.00 and $ 2800.00, and Ocelot can run from $ 15,000.00. The higher the rarity of a cat, the higher the price.

How much space does an ocelot need to live?

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