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How much water should my Cat be drinking?

Animal Expert
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Your cat needs about 3.5 to 4.5 ounces of water daily for every 5 pounds of body weight. For example, if you have a 10-pound cat, you need to drink 7-9 ounces of water daily. If your cat eats wet food frequently, you may find that you don't drink much water.

How much water should a cat drink?

A general recommendation is that cats need about 50 mL of water per kg of body weight per day3. Therefore, this corresponds to 200-250 mL per day for a cat weighing 4-5 kg. This water requirement can be covered by ingestion of "free water" from liquids and foods, or from "oxidized water" produced by metabolism. 2018

Is my cat drinking enough water?

One easy way to identify dehydration in a cat is to check for loose skin, or "tenting." Place the cat on your lap and gently lift the skin behind your neck. In hydrated kittens, the flaps return to their original position. If it stays folded or falls back slowly, she probably needs more water.

How many times a day should a cat drink water?

Put fresh water in a bowl once or twice a day. Try the cat fountain: Cats love running water for many reasons.

Why do my indoor cats drink so much water?

Three more common causes of excessive urination and excessive drinking in cats are diabetes, chronic kidney disease, and hyperthyroidism.

How much water should my Cat be drinking?

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