They usually lay one egg per mating (although they mate frequently). Each egg takes 1-2 months to develop, depending on the temperature. These eggs are scattered around the aquarium in protected areas such as plant bushes and corners of driftwood.
How often do aquarium snails have babies?
Some species lay eggs from water, and young snails hatch and then return to water. Snails can lay eggs several times a year, sometimes more than once a month. Depending on the species, there can be 5 to 200 or even 600 eggs in a bundle.
How many eggs does an aquarium snail lay?
Pomacea maculata: 2000 Пресноводные улитки / Яйценоскость
How often do snails lay their eggs?
Under optimal conditions (warm climate, high humidity), snails breed once a month. The garden snail breeds so fast that an average snail can lay 86 eggs per cycle, and an average of 5 breeding cycles per year allows each snail to lay 430 eggs per year. I can do it.
How can I get rid of it? A snail egg in my aquarium?
Snail eggs can be easily scraped off with a thin, flexible card or siphoned. Not only should the tank be checked for snail eggs, but new plants should be soaked in bleach or quarantined for at least a few weeks before being introduced into the tank.
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