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How old is the first known fish?

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Fish evolution began during the Cambrian explosion about 530 million years ago. It was during this period that early chordates developed the skull and spinal column, leading to the first craniates and vertebrates. The first line of fish belongs to the agnasa, or jawless fish.

When was the first known fish?

The first fish emerged about 530 million years ago and have undergone long evolutions, making them the most diverse group of vertebrates today.

What is the oldest fish ever found?

Scientists have discovered a 112-year-old fish, making it the oldest freshwater fish ever found. Bigmouth Buffalo was previously thought to live up to the age of 26, but scientists have discovered that after studying hundreds of species, they can live much longer.

How long are the fish alive?

Fish have existed on Earth for more than 450 million years, while mammals have existed on Earth for only about 200 million years. More than 27,000 species of fish have been identified on Earth, with an estimated 15,000 species not yet identified.

How old is the first known fish?

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