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How to get rid of roaches naturally at home?

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Boric acid is one of the best home remedies to get rid of cockroaches naturally. Make dough by mixing equal amounts of boric acid, flour and sugar. Place a bowl of dough around the house where the cockroach can be eaten. Flour and sugar attract cockroaches, and boric acid kills cockroaches. 17th. 2021

What kills cockroaches naturally and instantly?

Borax is a ready-to-use laundry product that is perfect for killing cockroaches. For best results, combine equal amounts of borax and white sugar. Dust the mixture wherever you see roach activity. When cockroaches consume borax, it dehydrates them and kills them rapidly. 2021

How to get rid of cockroaches overnight?

How to get rid of cockroaches overnight with natural home remedies 1 Make boric acid rochebait. Our first suggestion is to use boric acid, sugar, and a small amount of water to make your own cockroach bait. .. 2 Keep your home clean. .. 3 Clean up the clutter. .. 4 Create a barrier with food grade diatomaceous earth. How to get rid of cockroaches overnight with natural home remedies

What is the smell that keeps cockroaches away?

Cockroach repellent Peppermint oil, cedarwood oil, and cypress oil are essential oils that effectively repel cockroach. In addition, these insects dislike the smell of crushed bay leaves and avoid coffee grounds. If you want to kill them in a natural way, combine powdered sugar with boric acid.

How to get rid of roaches naturally at home?

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