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How to take care of a Mexican Hairless Chihuahua?

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Xoloitzcuintli is a wash and wear dog. Coated varieties sometimes require bathing and minimal brushing (hairless varieties do not require brushing). Hairless varieties require frequent bathing to remove oily buildup on the skin, after which a moisturizing lotion is rubbed throughout the skin. 5янв. 2020г.

How do you care for hairless Chihuahuas?

In general, it is recommended that the SPF be greater than 50. Still, avoid exposing your dog to the sun as much as possible. In addition to keeping hairless dogs away from the sun, frequent bathing with proper shampoo is important to prevent a skin infection known as pyoderma. "Hair is a protective barrier against infection," Dr. 1мар said. 2015

How do you care for Xoloitzcuintli?

In general, a soft, warm cloth is sufficient to cleanse the skin. The need for exercise is moderate. In warmer months, daily walks, jogging and outdoor play can help Xolo's health. Skin care should be done carefully and regularly check that the skin is not too dry. 2012

How often do I need to take a bath in Xolo?

Depending on Xolo's lifestyle, maintenance buses can be run weekly to every 4 weeks. Hairless varieties tend to develop acne and acne, so this variety needs more attention to the skin.

How long do Mexican hairless dogs live?

12–15 лет Ксолоитцкуинтли / Продолжительность жизни

How to take care of a Mexican Hairless Chihuahua?

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