Foxes and dogs are canines of the same zoology, but their strains are separated. Dogs are tame members of the genus Canis, while foxes belong to several different non-canis genus (this is the plural genus). The 12 most common "foxes" belong to the genus Vulpes.
Is a fox a kind of dog?
Dogs, also known as canines, include foxes, wolves, jackals, and other members of canine dentistry (canidae). They are found all over the world and tend to be slender, long-legged animals with long muzzles, bushy tails, and upright pointed ears.
What kind of animal is a fox?
A fox, one of the various members of the dog family (Canidae), resembles a medium to medium bushy tail dog with long fur, pointed ears, and a narrow nose. .. In a limited sense, the name is classified as a "true" fox (genus Vulpes), about 10 species, especially red foxes or common foxes (V.
why foxes are dogs.
Are foxes dogs? Yes, foxes are dogs. Dogs are also known as foxes and include foxes, wolves, jackals and other species of foxes. Foxes are found all over the world and are usually characterized by long, slender legs, long muzzles, bushy ears, and an upright pointed tail.
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