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Is a rabbit a small mammal?

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Rabbits, also known as bunny or bunny rabbits, are small mammals of the Leporidae (with rabbits) of the order Lagomorphs (with pikas). The Oryctolagus cuniculus includes European rabbit species and their descendants, as well as 305 breeds of rabbits from around the world.

What are small mammals?

These include rodents (rats, mice, hamsters, guinea pigs, garbils, chinchillas), rabbits, ferrets, and other small mammals such as sugar gliders and hedgehogs.

What is the classification of rabbits? ??

Млекопитающие Дикий кролик / Класс

Are rabbits mammals?

Rabbits are mammals, warm-blooded animals with a spine. They live in groups and like to dig underground tunnels to protect themselves. They are prey and there are many predators who like to eat them. Rabbits are herbivores. In other words, I like to eat only plants.

Why are rabbits not mammals?

Rabbits are mammals along with humans, lions, seals, bears, squirrels, and many other vertebrates, which means they are part of the mammalian class. .. If some females do not have mammary glands, they are not mammals.

Is a rabbit a small mammal?

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