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Is a sea sponge a vertebrate?

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Sponge is an invertebrate. There is no backbone. They are multicellular and live in an aquatic environment. The sponge is on the ocean floor or attached to substrates such as rocks, corals, shells, and marine life. Sponges extend to habitats from shallow intertidal zones and coral reefs to the deep sea. Where is the living sponge? Most sponges are found in the sea, but many species are also found in freshwater and estuaries. Sponges are called "filtered predators" because they get the nutrients they need by digesting plankton, bacteria, and other organic matter that is filtered from the water that passes through thousands of pores in the body. Sponge is multicellular, heterotrophic, has no cell wall, and is similar to other animals in that it produces sperm cells. Unlike other animals, they lack real tissues and organs. Some of them are radially symmetric, but most are asymmetric.

thoughtco.com Изображение: thoughtco.com Porifera, more commonly known as sponge or sponge, is an underwater invertebrate. In real life, sponges cannot walk or swim, so they are eaten by filter feeding. Many sponges breed by "budding," in which part of the sponge breaks into a complete animal.

Where does the sponge live in the sea?

Sponges are one of the first animals to evolve and are believed to belong to the phylum of animals known as sponges. Almost all sponges have been found in the marine environment. They live in both shallow coastal waters and deep-sea environments, but always live on the ocean floor.

Which gate does the sponge belong to?

The sponge is considered to be one of the first animals to have evolved and belongs to the phylum of animals known as sponges. Where is the sponge? Almost all sponges have been found in the marine environment. They live in both shallow coastal waters and deep-sea environments, but always live on the ocean floor.

Why is it called sponge?

Sponge is called sponge because it lives in the seas of the world. They can be found in all oceans. Sponges can live in both hot and cold water, and both deep and shallow.

How do sponges resemble and differ from other animals?

Sponges are multicellular, heterotrophic, lack cell walls, and are similar to other animals in that they produce sperm cells. Unlike other animals, they lack true tissues and organs.

Is the sponge a vertebrate or an invertebrate?

Introduction of the sponge phylum. The sponge phylum is made up of sponges. Sponges are simple invertebrates that live in aquatic habitats. Most sponges are marine, but some species live in freshwater lakes and streams.

Why is the sponge an invertebrate?

Sponge is an aquatic invertebrate. They make up the sponge phylum. The sponge has special cells and an endoskeleton. The sponge lacks tissue-body symmetry. March. 2019

What is the classification of sponges?

Sponges make up the phylum Choanocytes, and are choanocyte-lined chambers, flagellar-like fluff-like water inlets and outlet openings for stalkless metazoans (multicellular). It is defined as an immovable animal).

Sponge or plant?

One of the sponges and the primitive multicellular aquatic animals that make up the sponge phylum. They count about 5,000 listed species and inhabit all oceans where they occur and are mounted on surfaces up to a depth of more than 8,500 meters (29,000 feet) from the intertidal zone.

Is a sea sponge a vertebrate?

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