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Is Cavy a Scrabble word?

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Yes, cavy is in the Scrabble dictionary. Cavies' medical definition: One of several short-tailed South American rodents (Cavies): Especially: Guinea pig Scrabble Cheat to help players succeed in games such as Scrabble, Words With Friends, etc. A word finder tool used for. Enter the available letters or tiles and the cheat tool will instantly provide you with all the possible words. A complete guide to winning with Scrabble Scrabble is one of the coolest word games on the planet. Depending on the breed of guinea pig, you can know the age only by the size. A healthy guinea pig, about three months old, weighs 18 ounces and becomes even more pronounced in the first year. The margin increases to about 24-42 ounces. This is a pretty good number. Use this Scrabble® dictionary checker tool to see if a word is accepted when playing Scrabble. Enter a word and click the Check Dictionary button to see if it is valid in the Scrabble word game. In addition, if you are interested in learning a word, you can also search for its meaning.

Cavy is the word Scrabble. Guinea pig scrabble point value: 12 points. Cavy is a word with friends. Words with friends Guinea pig points: 12 points.

What is the meaning of guinea pigs?

Cavies Definition: One of some short-tailed coarse-haired South American rodents (Cavies), especially: Guinea pigs: Some short-tailed South American rodents ( One of the Cavies (Cavies) in particular: Guinea pig

What is this scrub rodent site for?

In short, the goal of this site is to help you cheat / win in Scrabble® word games. Especially if you've been stuck for a long time and need some external help or a little hint to move forward. However, this is also useful in the following cases: Use the handy dictionary checker to learn / explore new words and resolve disputes with your opponents.

What is the average weight of a guinea pig?

— Jennifer Larino, NOLA.com, May 22, 2018 By comparison, the guinea pig is the fourth largest rodent in the world, weighing up to 20 pounds.

How do you check if a word is valid in Scrabble?

Check a word in the Scrabble dictionary to make sure it is an official Scrabble word. Use this Scrabble® dictionary checker tool to see if a word is accepted when playing Scrabble. Enter a word and click the Check Dictionary button to see if it is valid in the Scrabble word game.

Is the boar's word Scrabble?

Boar is a valid scrabble ward.

Is Rudy a Scrabble Ward?

Rudy is a valid Scrabble ward.

Is ixnay a scrabble word?

Ixnay is a valid scrabble word.

Is Cavy a Scrabble word?

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