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Is it cruel to have a pet turtle?

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Released turtles can die and carry illnesses that kill other turtles. If they live, they can defeat native species for food and habitat, threatening native biodiversity. to protect your health, the earth and animals, don't get turtles for your pets! They prefer a damp environment, require shallow puddles in the enclosure, a damp substrate, and need to sunbathe on UVB if stored indoors. Respiratory infections can be picked up more easily if their environment is too cold and dry. Besides providing the aquatic turtles with the proper environment and diet, regular interactions are tame, especially sociable turtles with map turtles. In any case, they are nice and, with proper care, should offer years of fun. Turtles are not great pets for most kids. Children can quickly get bored with animals because they can't really play with pet turtles. Turtles can carry Salmonella to their shells and skin. You may also not want your child to treat the turtle because it can be infected with this bacterium.

turtlepets.com Изображение: turtlepets.com In other words, we do not recommend keeping turtles or wild turtles as pets. In fact, it's illegal.

Are pet turtles bad for the environment?

Pet turtles can endanger local turtles and turtles when released into the wild. Due to the pet trade, the red-eared slider is now considered one of the 100 most invasive species in the world. They need a room.

Do you need to be careful about turtles?

This contains some truth, but not all are true. Turtles, like any other pet, need to be careful You give them to other pets. That's what you sign up for when you have a pet.

Will turtles be good pets for children?

Turtles don't actually interact with humans, especially like humans. Keep in mind that your pet interacts with you primarily only when feeding. Turtles and turtles are cute, but they are not particularly suitable for children as they can infect Salmonella. When buying turtles and turtles, choose your seeds carefully.

Which do you get, a hamster or a turtle?

Like all wildlife, these reptiles belong to their natural habitat. Small animals such as turtles are often abused and miserable when kept for sale in pet stores. If you're considering hiring a hamster, first look for a local rescue team and skip the pet shop.

Is it cruel to have a pet turtle?

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