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Is it OK to let my dog chase squirrels?

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Most dogs love to chase toys, balls and wildlife. It may seem okay for the dog to hunt and sniff after the squirrel, but this behavior can quickly escalate and create potentially dangerous situations. .. The 8th. 2017 г.

Should the dog bark at the squirrel?

Barking at the squirrel is "normal behavior. This is what these dogs are in captivity," she says. .. A product called Treat'N Train may help your dog. This device distributes food (via remote control) for quiet behavior. Place it away from the window where you can see the squirrel.

Do all dogs chase squirrels?

Why do dogs like to chase squirrels? First of all, not all dogs have a tracking instinct, but dogs that tend to feel large when tracking feel good chemicals. So the breed may indicate that they are trackers, it may be in their genetic makeup to track, track, track.

Should I have my dog ​​chase an animal?

It's natural for your dog to chase "It's important to understand that your dog's predatory behavior is normal," says Dr. Miller. "Sometimes I think dogs are bad, but chasing / driving prey is instinct. The problem is that chasing another animal can really hurt the dog.

Is it OK to let my dog chase squirrels?

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