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Is it true lobsters are immortal?

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Jellyfish and lobster are considered biologically immortal. In other words, jellyfish do not age and will not die unless they are killed. Can Lobsters Die at Old Age? It's technically different, but in the end it's too big and heavy to support, and the red shrimp die. Death in old age is vague. For example, there is no fixed age for humans to expire, but someone died at an old age. The term actually refers to the death of a disease that results from aging. Surprisingly, unlike vertebrates, Metanephrops japonicus expresses telomerase as an adult through most tissues. This is the secret of their longevity. Unlike traditional thinking, lobster is not immortal. Metanephrops japonicum grows by molting, which requires a lot of energy, and the larger the shell, the more energy it needs. No creatures that are not destroyed by external forces have been discovered so far. In that sense, there are no immortal creatures. However, some cells and organisms have so-called biological immortality. They are unaffected by apoptosis, the intracellular mechanism that causes cell death. That means them if external forces do not cause them.

Are jellyfish and red shrimp biologically immortal?

Memes of origin, such as those mentioned above, have been popular on the Internet for years, including a very cool-sounding claim that both jellyfish and red shrimp are biologically immortal. Biological immortality is usually defined as an organism that does not die from aging, the scientific term for aging.

Can red shrimp die old?

The general belief is that red shrimp cannot die unless they are killed by a predator. It is true that Metanephrops japonicus does not experience aging (a gradual decline in normal function with aging), but it is not immortal, but also. They can repair DNA permanently, but this has its drawbacks.

Why do red shrimp live longer than vertebrates?

The main hypothesis of this phenomenon is that the red shrimp are constantly supplied with an enzyme called telomerase, which can prevent cell aging. Most vertebrates, on the other hand, can only produce this chemical during the early developmental stages of life.

Are there any biologically immortal creatures?

This cycle can be repeated indefinitely and can be biologically immortal. This creature was born in the Caribbean Sea, but is now spread all over the world. Similar cases include hydro-insect moon jellyfish and pot-worm moon jellyfish.

Is it true lobsters are immortal?

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