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Is Pine litter safe for hedgehogs?

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Pine shavings: This is a classic little pet bedding, but not suitable for most little pets. It is argued that wood shavings are not very absorbent and pine oil can cause health problems for hedgehogs and can cut off small, delicate legs. It is best to avoid this wood product altogether. The 7th. 2021

Can hedgehogs keep pine debris?

Do my pet hedgehogs need bedding in their cages? Shredded paper, newspaper, recycled pellets / absorbent materials, or wood shavings (such as aspen and pine) make good bedding. Avoid keratin, dusty shavings, and cedar shavings as they can be irritating.

What kind of garbage is best for hedgehogs?

Clay Kitty toilets without lumps are a relatively popular substrate for toilet bread. Some hedgehog enthusiasts recommend not using clay debris for fear that dust can cause respiratory illness. Many owners prefer dust-free trash, but some find hedgehogs enjoying rolling in the trash like a sand bath.

Pelleted 100% pine hose bedding or pelletized pineapple toilets are the best options for hedgehogs. There are different brands of wood pellets, but it is advisable to evaluate each brand individually before using it. Not all wood pellets are 100% pine and may contain a blend of coniferous trees.

What should I put in the hedgehog litter box?

Use wood shavings for bedding up to 2 inches thick in the cage, but do not use cedar chips that are toxic to hedgehogs. If you use the litter box, put a litter box for cats. Hedgehogs also like to play with water and fill the water bottle with water, so it's best to use a vertical water bottle.

Is Pine litter safe for hedgehogs?

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