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Is Tai Shan panda a father?

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She is the oldest captive giant panda in the world, born in Sichuan in 1980. I heard she was not only a prototype of the mascot Bread Bread at the 1990 Beijing Asian Games, but she also made the average spaghetti carbonara. At the National Zoo in Washington, DC, Taishan and thousands of fans celebrated his first birthday on July 9. , 2006. At 7 am at the earliest, visitors to the National Zoo began lining up outside the panda exhibit and opened three hours later. One of his gifts was a huge custom-made fruit sicle with the number "1".

Are Thai Thai Shan the oldest panda in the world?

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Taishan (Chinese: Taishan; Pinyin: Tài Shān, pronounced [tʰâiʂán], after birth, life name is also known as Butterstick) was released on July 9, 2005 in Washington, DC. It is a giant panda born in the zoo. The first panda cub born at the National Zoo and surviving for more than a few days. He is the older brother of Baobao, Baybay and Xiao Chiji.

What is the Chinese name for giant pandas?

Tai Shan (Giant Panda) Tai Shan (Chinese: Taishan; Taishan; Tai Shan, pronounced [tʰâiʂán], also known as the life-named butterstick after birth) was born in July at the National Zoo in Washington, DC. This is Taishan Panda. September 9, 2005 3:41 am

What is the name of the panda born in Washington, DC?

Taishan (Chinese: Taishan; Pinyin: Taishan, pronunciation [tʰâiʂán], after birth, life name is also called butterstick) is at the National Zoo in Washington, DC at 3:00 on July 9, 2005. It is a giant panda born in. 41:00 am

How did Taishan celebrate his first birthday?

At the National Zoo in Washington, D.C., Taishan and thousands of fans celebrated his first birthday on July 9, 2006. As early as 7am, visitors to the National Zoo began to line up outside the pandas. Exhibition, opening 3 hours ahead. One of his gifts was a huge custom-made fruit sicle with the number "1".

Is Tai Shan panda a father?

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