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Is there a bird that never stops flying?

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This means that the common swift holds the longest continuous flight time record for any bird. Alpine swifts can fly for up to 6 months without stopping, and great frigatebirds with a huge wingspan of 7½ feet can soar across the Indian Ocean for about 2 months. 27окт. 2016 г.

Which bird can't stop flying?

The bar-tailed godwit (Limosa lapponica) travels straight from Alaska to New Zealand for 11 days, traveling 7,500 miles (12,000 km) unstoppably, the longest bird known to scientists. The direct flight has been interrupted. It was reported.

Are there any birds that do not land?

The scientific name for the common swifts, A.apus, means "no legs" and refers to very short legs. Swifts are usually not landing on the ground because they are so exposed to predators that common swifts are used only to cling to their legs on a vertical surface. .. Swifts are migratory birds.

What birds can stay in the air for 10 months without landing?

The common swift is one of the longest trips in the world, traveling about 14,000 miles each year from the United Kingdom to spend the winter in Africa. This in itself is surprising, but a new study at Lund University reveals that it incredibly spends 10 months in the air without landing.

What birds can fly for 5 years?

The albatross is a master of soaring flight and can glide over vast waters without flapping its wings. They are fully adapted to the existence of the ocean, so they spend more than the first 6 years (more than 50 years) of their long lives without touching the land.

Is there a bird that never stops flying?

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