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Is there any evidence of nervous or circulatory systems in sponges?

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The field of zoology that studies sponges is known as sponge zoology. Sponges have unspecialized cells that can transform into other types and often move between major cell layers and glial cells in the process. The sponge has no nervous system, digestive system, or circulatory system.

Does the sponge have a nervous system?

Sponges do not have the nervous system or organs like most animals. This means they do not have the ability to feel the eyes, ears, or anything physically. However, they have special cells that perform various functions in the body.

What kind of body system does the sponge have?

Since the sponge has no organ system, it has no respiratory or circulatory system. They diffuse from the water flowing through the body to get oxygen and then diffuse into the same puddle to expel waste products.

Why doesn't the sponge need a circulatory system?

The simplest animals, such as sponges (Porifera) and rotifers (Rotifera), because diffusion allows for the proper exchange of water, nutrients, waste, and dissolved gas, as shown in Figure 1a. Does not require a circulatory system. .. .. Instead, gas, nutrients and waste are exchanged by diffusion.

Do sponges have nerves and muscles?

In addition to the lack of nervous system, the sponge has no internal organs or muscles.

Is there any evidence of nervous or circulatory systems in sponges?

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