Michael Forsberg - A Swift fox carries the front half of a prairie dog back to its den on the South Dakota prairie. The size of a small house cat, these shy
Black-tailed Prairie Dogs (U.S. National Park Service)
Swift Fox - Nighttime Prairie Hunter - FactZoo.com | Swift fox, Fox pups, Fox
Coyote Stalks Prairie Dog Town - YouTube
Black-tailed Prairie Dog | The Maryland Zoo
What Do Foxes Prey On? - Are Foxes Dangerous?
What Do Foxes Eat?
Black-tailed Prairie Dogs (U.S. National Park Service)
What Animals Eat Prairie Dogs?
What Do Foxes Eat? | Foxes Diet By Species | What Eats Foxes?
Prairie Dog | Defenders of Wildlife
Black-tailed Prairie Dogs (U.S. National Park Service)